Sunday, April 3, 2011

Outside experience

As friends and I sat outside one day, an experience like none other came upon us. Here is the account:

The first things that were experienced outside of the classroom were sound, sight, and touch. My first sensations were the sounds nearest to me which consisted of my breathing and the bugs in my ears. Annoying bugs they were, but I quickly got over them as they left my personal space. Quickly followed were the sounds of the construction going on next to us. It is such a unique sound and fully not usually apart of the BC campus, but today these sounds were loud and apparent. There are also far off sounds such as cars driving by, people talking and walking past us, but the construction sound was by far the most notable.

Touch was the proceeding sensation that overwhelmed me in a unique way. I don’t know about the other’s experiences, but I was quickly bit by a bug upon arrival and therefore it affected me throughout my experience. The grass running through my fingers, the wind on my face, the sun beating down upon me; they were all overshadowed by this one bug bite which itched like none other. This also added to my feeling as I wasn’t feeling much else other than this itch. Sitting outside was a good idea until this happened.

We soon realized that sitting outside was no longer enjoyable so we decided to do something more productive for it is a Sunday and there is plenty of homework to be done.

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